Events Calendar.

Here you will find information about all Isle of Man motoring related events - It's easy to see why we are the 'Road racing capital of the world! Click on an event below for more details.

If you know an event not listed here please Add it or let us know Contact us

***2014 Calendar coming soon!!**


You make some strong
Date: November 13, 2015
Time: 13:00
Venue: 2tfJzICP7p
Location (iom/uk etc) XRwr833EoIv
N/A 4SDGf0rad9T
Description: You make some strong pionts for universal coverage. The 3rd party payer system restricts medical cost transparency, so nobody knows what anything costs. The networks would be torn down, but 2 classes of medical practices would emerge: those that accept the government reimbursement rate, and then those that only accept cash .a concierge medicine model for the higher income Americans. People would need to get more educated on what type of facility should be used given the medical situation that arises to reduce ER room visits. But, we would need to avoid rationing in the form of long wait times due to lack of doctors, or our government deciding what is medically necessary, what is for personal comfort, or based on cost vs age. For example, when I'm 58 yrs old, and I need hip replacement, I would hope that I wouldn't have to wait too long to receive the treatment and become mobile again.

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